Leading facilities services provider, Pareto, has today launched its first ESG impact statement. The report covers the plethora of ESG led activities that Pareto have worked on across the last few years. This includes initiatives ranging from how Pareto were awarded The Social Value Award at the IWFM Impact Awards for its participation of the Kickstart Scheme, commissioning their own honey, planting well over one thousand trees, culminating with Pareto achieving carbon neutral status.
The report highlights why Pareto is at the forefront of the ESG mission in the facilities management sector and provides guidance for how others can make change.

Emma Wilson, Pareto Social Impact Director, who provides the foreword for the report commented. “We are immensely proud of what we have created at Pareto. This organisation was created to deliver exceptional services to our client partners, but, as importantly, to create social value and real change. Pareto truly wears it’s ESG colours on its sleeve and can demonstrate real action in so many different areas. We don’t pretend to have all the answers, and we are still learning, but with each initiative that we deliver, we know we are making a true impact. We want to enable and inspire our teams to play their part, and so Pareto becomes the framework that people can build upon, we want others to follow our lead, to not only change the face of FM, but ultimately, change the world.
To access a full copy of the report email countmein@paretofm.com