Leading workspace services provider Pareto, have kicked off the year by signing seven new pledges, covering a plethora of social value based initiatives. These cover aspects from domestic abuse and pregnancy loss through to disability confidence and armed forces support. Known for being the leader in social value, these commitments ensure Pareto are true to their messaging and are achieving social good within their organisation and in the wider community. The specific pledges are as follows:
1. Endometriosis Friendly Employer Scheme
a. More information here: https://www.endometriosis-uk.org/endometriosis-friendly-employer-scheme
2. Women in Rail – The Rail Industry Association ED&I Charter
a. More information here: https://womeninrail.org/edi-charter/
3. EDAC_ Employers Domestic Abuse Covenant
a. More information here: https://edacuk.org/about/
4. Menopause Workplace Pledge
a. More information here: https://www.wellbeingofwomen.org.uk/menopause-workplace-pledge/
5. Pregnancy Loss Pledge
a. More information here: https://www.miscarriageassociation.org.uk/information/miscarriage-and-the-workplace/the-pregnancy-loss-pledge
6. Disability Confident Committed Employer
a. More information here: https://disabilityconfident.campaign.gov.uk/
7. Armed Forces Covenant -Bronze Award
a. More Information here: https://www.armedforcescovenant.gov.uk/
Rachel McEntee, Pareto FM, Head of Marketing commented “Pareto have always differentiated themselves in the market in terms of our social value agenda. We want to continue to innovate in the sector and drive real meaningful change. Therefore, these seven most recent pledges help show Pareto’s genuine commitment to making a difference through our business activities. We find it important to show genuine initiatives which have real outcomes, and all the associated pledges have proactive ‘action plans’ to ensure we are adhering to the true values. We consistently want to make this sector better and ultimate change the face of FM. We’d encourage those within the sector to consider these pledges and hopefully help improve well-being for all”.
